Bk: Paul Posch [NY], Carmine Chickadel [DE], Ed Nutley [NY]
Fr: Gene Piana [NJ], Bob Ryan [NJ, Bob Searl [NJ], Carmen Cataldo [NJ] At Sea, on deck of the SS Argentina heading back to Newport News, VA USA from Southhampton, England, after three…
Troops loading onto the SS Argentina, (ironically the same ship the carried the selected returning troops of the 56th Signal Battalion towards the UK in June 1942) for the return journey home. Southampton, England, June 1945.
In 1942, the early years of WWII, all United States service personnel departing for overseas duty were required to obtain a passport before departing the USA.
All outgoing mail of enlisted personnel of the 56th Signal Battalion was censored by the commissioned Officers of the Battalion before posting for delivery. This letter was reviewed for restricted contents by Lt. Robert L. Hilliard, while the…
Copy of US Army V Corps Official Orders for transport back to the USA after termination of European hostilities. Selection of troops to be returned to the USA was as a result of individual "service points" primarily based on Overseas time served and…
Letter of commendation to troops of V Corps by Lt. General Courtney Hodges, Commander First United States Army to Commander V Corps, Major General Clarence R. Huebner.
Allied Bomb Damage at the Skoda Armaments Factory, Pilsen, Czechoslovakia, 1945. The Skoda factory was one of the prize German captures during the war, ultimately producing 1/3 of all their armaments.